Friday, August 31, 2012

Final Thoughts on the First Week

What an amazingly wonderful bunch of second graders we have! This week, they brainstormed what kind of classroom they wanted and what kind of teacher they wanted. Doing this brainstorm helps us all understand similarities we have. So many students named the same desires for the school year and their teacher and it made them laugh when they realized how much they could build off of each other and how much they had in common.

Later this week, we read Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett and began to dream about what we wanted for ourselves this year (learning to count to 1000, building stamina, making new friends, etc). We'll do lots of work with these dreams next week!

Here are the results from our brainstorm:

We have a long and (hopefully) restful weekend ahead of us, so here are some quotes from our incredible children to hold you over until next time...

"I'm going to ask my mom if I can read at nighttime....I'm even going to ask her if I can read in my bed!!!" (maybe you had to see how excited and proud this child was to realize she might ask to do this).

"We pretty much couldn't have it any better. I mean, our class and our teacher? We basically have everything we wanted already."

"Do you want me to tell you the origins of the word stamina?"

"Miss Snyder, what bus do the teachers take home?"

"Do you know what I hate about school? Sometimes the day just goes by so're just not ready for it to be over."

"Aww...did you see the first graders next door? They're so little. Remember when we were in first grade?"

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