Looking to practice some math? Below is a list of math skills first graders will be practicing this year. You can count in the car, while waiting in line, while walking before bedtime...pretty much anywhere and anytime! Concentrate on one or two skills at a time - remember even one minute of practice daily can make a huge difference! We are working toward being smooth, accurate, and automatic with these skills. Please let me know if you have any questions!
• Count to 120 by 1s (start at any number - pay particular attention to decade changes, ex: 29-30, 109-110 - those tend to be the big problem spots)
• Name the number that comes just after... (use numbers under 120, ex: "What comes just after 15?")
• Count by 10s to 120 (start at any number ending in 0)
• Count by 10s to 109 (start at any number that does not end in 0 [ex: when starting with 3 - count: 3, 13, 23, 33...])
• Count backwards by 1s (start at any number to 85 - pay particular attention to decade changes, ex: 70 to 69, 50-49).
• Name the number that comes just before... (use numbers under 120, ex: "What comes just before 51?")
• Count backwards by 10s (start at any number up to 150, ending in 0. [ex: start at 120])
• Count backwards by 10s (start at any number up to 99, that does not end in 0. ex: start at 73])
• Write numbers up to 120. (ex: 49, 23, 12, 115)
• Read numbers up to 120 (ex: 50, 11, 98)
• Partners to 10 (Using any number 0-9 [ex: "What goes with 8 to make 10?"])
• Partners to 20 (Using any number 0-20 [ex: "What goes with 3 to make 20?"])
• 10 More/10 Less up to 90 (Using any number [ex: "What is 10 more than 51?" "61."])
• Read and Compare Numbers using < > = (numbers under 100 [6<13 True or not true?]
• Add numbers with totals up to 20 (ex: 3+3, 7+2, 3+5)
• Subtract numbers with totals under 10 (ex: 9-3, 6-2, 4-1)