Monday, January 28, 2013

Moon Song

Has your child been singing a song about the moon? Maybe doing a little rapping too?

Well, our singing scientists have been begging me to put the lyrics of our Moon Song up on the blog, so here they are! The song is from Have Fun Teaching.

ASK your child to sing it. They all have such sweet voices! :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Sun!

We began by learning about the sun. We read nonfiction books and learned some new facts. Then we split into 4 teams. Each team had to agree on a fact to write and illustrate about the sun. 

Throughout our exploration of the sun, teamwork skills were shining through!...

As this team was finishing their poster, one of the members started making up a song about the earth using the posters in our room. The team was so excited about the song, they finished their sun poster and made props to go with their teammate's song. Let me just stress that they did this whole thing totally on their own. Amazing.

Next stop? The moon.

Cross-Country Skiing

Okay, we didn't going cross-country skiing yesterday. (It was a bit chilly...) But here are two photos from last week's adventure! It was so snowy, it provided an unforgettable experience. :)

Monday, January 21, 2013

New Specials' Schedule

Hello Everyone,

Hope you enjoyed the three day weekend! This week, we will be starting with a new specials' schedule for the second half of the year.

Monday - PE*
Tuesday - Music
Wednesday - PE*
Thursday - Health & Library**
Friday - Art

*Please remember to have your child bring sneakers every PE day!
**Please remember to have your child bring his/her library books.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cross-Country Skiing

We did it!!! Our first cross-country skiing experience was AMAZING! Some of us fell, some of us got stuck in the deep snow, but we all had a blast today! 

Skiers were using supportive words and helping each other. There were also several of them who helped the first graders in Mrs. Mandigo's class put their skis on.

By the end of our ski experience everyone was exhausted, but shared that they had a lot of fun! Please ask your child about his/her first experience cross-country skiing this year. :)


We are so lucky to have ELF this year! Today we got to have Laurie and Cassie help us learn more about air.
We watched a performance about air starring our very own classmates!
"Does air weigh anything?"

We learned about air pressure using potatoes and straws!

We played Charades!
This group showed seeds being carried in the wind.
This group acted as birds flying in the air.
This group showed fish being scared by a puffer fish, filling himself with air.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


We have begun our new unit in science: Earth and Sky! 

We began by learning about Earth. We read nonfiction books and learned some new facts. Then we split into 4 teams. Each team had to agree on a fact to write and illustrate about Earth. 

Throughout our exploration of Earth, there were a lot of amazing questions from our scientists:

"Does lava make the mountains we climb?"

"When you get to the top of a mountain, why is it colder, if you're climbing closer to the sun?"

"When it is summer and the earth is leaning toward the sun, when it's night it faces away from the sun, so why isn't it winter?"

"How can we see the sun in winter if we are tilted back?"

Please ASK your child about these questions and what we learned from them.

Enjoy some of the pictures from our investigation below!

Stay tuned for more...

Cursive Update

 This week, we learned two new cursive letters..m and n!

Only 3 more lowercase letters to go! :)