Thursday, October 19, 2017

Four Winds: Light and Shadow

We had our first Four Winds experience this week! A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Wulff and Mrs. Cove for helping us investigate the sun, light, and shadows. Check out some of the amazing things we discovered with them!

Can you find the sun with your eyes closed? How did you do it? What will happen if we put ice in a container with black paper and white paper? Which will make the ice melt faster? Why? Ask your scientist what we found out!

 We worked with a partner to trace our shadows. We wondered: What will happen to our shadows over time?

We went back inside to explore with light. We used flashlights to decide what light could pass through. Could it pass through wood? Foil? A leaf? Plastic? Hm....

After our investigation we went back outside to check on our shadows. Ask your scientist what happened!

 We had such a blast learning about the sun, light, and shadows. Thank you again, Mrs. Cove and Mrs. Wulff for making this all possible! We'll see you next time!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Reading Resources

Did you know there are lots of reading resources on our blog? Check out the "Reading and Spelling" section to get more information!

Happy Reading!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

We are Scientists!

Whoa! We had a busy, science-filled week! Check out these photos with your first grader so they can give you more details. :)

Our butterfly came out of its chrysalis and we released it outside!

We used our apples from the orchard last week and cut them up to make applesauce! We learned about knife safety, the importance of washing hands, and also measuring ingredients for a recipe. When the applesauce was ready, we got to taste it! Yum. :)

Can kids be scientists? At first, we didn't think so, but then we learned about what they do (ask questions, measure, record their thinking, test things, etc). We realized that we are already scientists! 

Then we used the scientific method: we asked questions, made predictions and observations, recorded our observations, and then shared our thoughts.

Our question was: "What will happen if we put a Gobstopper in warm water?" Ask your scientist about the results!

We learned more about Seesaw and played Seesaw Go! We learned about QR (Quick Response) Codes and practiced scanning them around the room. When we scanned a code, it played a video that told us to do different things! We also practiced sharing the iPads and walking carefully with them. Then we made videos with our partners to talk about what we did!