Friday, August 31, 2012

Our First Week of Second Grade!

We did so much this week and the children were busy at work! Here are some snippets of our first week in second grade!

Every morning, children sign in, take down their chairs, read the Morning Message, and then respond to the message. Then they get choice time - they can explore anything in the classroom or go to Mileage Club (starting next week!)

Remember how all of our shelves were covered with sheets? Well...TA-DA! We have started revealing things...We opened the book nook this week. Children chose one book to look through and share how they would use the book (to learn, to enjoy, to laugh, and so forth). They've been reading every day from a bin, but this was the first time they saw where the books were coming from.

 We also revealed our Geoblocks, Connecting Cubes, and Pattern Blocks! Children shared details on each material, how to take care of them, and really creative ways to use them. They all practiced taking care and exploring with the materials. Lots of children thought of interesting ideas and shared them with each other, which inspired more details which lead to....

Lots of masterpieces!!!

Here are a few from the many...

  Two different types of ships

 A flower and a truffala tree!

  A beehive with bees and the Celtics' practice court

Caterpillars and a picture frame

This is the first of a few posts for the week, so stay tuned...:)


  1. Thanks for posting the pictures!

    1. It's my pleasure! These second graders do so many fantastic things, I'm glad to share them with families. I'm happy to hear you are enjoying them! :)
