Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Class Dojo: The Incredible Power of Yet

This week we watched Episode 3: "The Incredible Power of Yet" in our mindset series. As a class, we talked about how when we say "we can't" and give up right away, we stop ourselves from learning and trying. We know from our other Mojo lessons that we can keep working through challenges. If we believe in ourselves and try, we can do anything! 

After the video we shared what we would do if we got stuck on something difficult. We also shared about times when we were afraid to ask for help and why (there were some very interesting answers to this question!) Finally we discussed the word "yet," why it is so powerful, and what our current "yet" moment is.

Check out the video by following the link above, but try not to watch an episode with your child before we have viewed and discussed it as a class (I know it'll be tempting!)

After viewing the video together, ask your child these questions!

1. Name a time you were afraid to ask for help. Why were you afraid? (Both parent and student should pick a moment to share)

2. How can you improve the phrase "I can't do this?”

3. Think of a time where you just didn't get “it.” What could you do in that situation?

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