Saturday, September 7, 2013

Second Week!

We had a successful second week of school! We have been slowly introducing new materials and academics. Here are some of the things we did this week...
First graders shared what type of class they wanted.
We read Rose's Garden By: Peter Reynolds and used it to inspire our hopes for the school year. We shared our hopes and dreams, illustrated them, and began to create our classroom Hopes and Dreams display!
 We opened up the colored pencils!
We revealed the scissors! We practiced holding, carrying, and using the safely. Then we practiced our cutting skills on flowers for our Hopes and Dreams display!
 We used pastels to decorate our Hopes and Dreams flowers. 
We revealed the glue so we could glue our hopes and dreams onto our flowers!
We visited the library and Mrs. Daigle taught us about the METIS organization of the library. 
 We opened the ENTIRE math shelf! We talked about the materials and how to take care of them. Ask your child about his/her favorite material!
We read Chrysanthemum and Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon to inspire our thinking around other people's feelings. We illustrated a time when our feelings were hurt and sorted them together between two categories: "Heart was Hurt" and "Body was Hurt." Then we talked about what we could do if we were about to have our feelings hurt.
 We did a lot this week and have more in store for next week! Remember to keep asking your first grader about their experiences and favorite moments of the day! :)

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