Saturday, July 7, 2012

What Have You Been Reading?

July, already?! Wow, time is flying by with the warm weather. I just got back from white water rafting in Millinocket, Maine. It was my first time rafting, but I had a blast! What have you been up to?

With all the fun activities that summer brings, sometimes it is nice to just sit, relax, and read. During the summer, it is especially important to do this!!! YOU (student) have made so much progress in reading this year and it is really important to keep on going this summer.

Parents: The "summer slide" is a reality! It can reverse your child's progress and take them 4-6 months back (to lower reading levels). It is proven that children who read on a regular basis over summer can actually gain months in their learning, while students who do not read can lose up to 6 months of learning.

Here's a reading log for your to color in the days you read! Just click it to make it bigger, save it, and then print it out!  KEEP TRACK --- your log will be collected and celebrated at the start of the school year!!!

Remember: The [*air-conditioned!*] TBPS library is open on Wednesdays starting THIS week!
Miss you all and hope to see you around!!
Miss Snyder


  1. I have been swimming in my pool. I am reading every night. I count to go to sleep. Macie

    1. Hi Macie! Wow, it sounds like you are having a nice, relaxing summer! I bet swimming in your pool is really refreshing on such hot summer days. :) It is great to hear that you're reading everyday! I love's like going on adventure with the characters in the book.

      Keep reading and I'll talk to you again soon!

      Love, Miss Snyder
