Sunday, September 6, 2015

Our Class Rules

How did twenty first graders create their class rules?

First they brainstormed what they wanted.

Then they read a book, Flight School, to inspire them to create a hope and dream for the year. They discussed how a penguin set a goal and never gave up. He kept trying and believing in himself.

They used new materials (scissors and glue sticks) to create a display of their hopes and dreams. They shared their goals for the year and celebrated their thoughtfulness.

They answered the question: "If we want all of our hopes and dreams to come true, what do we need to do? What rules do we need so that can happen?" They brainstormed a long list.

Then they realized there were three categories of rules - rules about themselves, each other, and materials. They sorted the rules into the categories and created big names for each rule.

 They signed the class rules to show they could (and would try) to follow them.

They worked in groups to show what the different rules would look like, sound like, and feel like.

And....voila! Twenty first graders created their class rules.

Ask your first grader for an example of what it would look like, sound like, or feel like when s/he follows a rule!

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