Friday, November 29, 2013

Turkey-Themed Math and Sharing What We're Thankful For

This month we had some turkey-themed math activities! We had to add and color based on the sums, we rolled dice to add and subtract numbers and colored the sums, and we colored in the turkey with the greatest number in its belly.

We talked a lot about what it means to be thankful. We drew pictures and displayed all of the things we were thankful for.

During Closing Circle, on our last day before vacation, we did a lightning share about what we were thankful for...

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Turkey Tens for Thanksgiving Week

One of the games we played today was called "Turkey Tens." You roll a die and cover the number that goes with it to make ten. The first player to cover all of their numbers wins the game! You can use coins, erasers, pieces of paper, or even paperclips to cover the partners to ten.

 First graders are working toward being independent in accurately and automatically identifying partners to 10.

Do you need a challenge? Is your child already automatic with making ten? Play "Turkey Twenty" by adding a "1" in front of every number on the game sheet. Roll one die and cover the partner to make 20. The first player to cover all of their numbers wins the game!

Happy Playing!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Two Notes...

Hello Families!

1 - You should have received your child's photo and/or class photo on Friday. Picture retakes are scheduled for next Friday, November 15th.

2 - It is parent-teacher conference time! You can sign up for a conference time on the Canyon Creek Online Scheduler tomorrow, Monday, November 11th, at five. Conference times are first come, first serve! Please let me know if you need assistance in signing up for a time.

Have a great week! :)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Drop Sticks, Pattern Blocks, Geoboards, and More...

We have been exploring geoboards, triangles, counting by 10s, pattern blocks, and shape attributes. We   worked together to sort shapes and presented posters to show our thinking. Ask your first grader what his/her favorite math activity was this week!



The Perfect Square

This week we went up to the library with Mrs. Kulis' first grade mathematicians. We had a big math lesson in the library! Mrs. Abele-Austin and Mrs. Daigle took us on a geometry-filled adventure!

We read Perfect Square, written by Michael Hall. Mrs. Daigle read the story to us and helped us notice details in the illustrations and text.

Mrs. Abele-Austin talked to us about squares. We discussed what made a square a square. Is it still a square when it is sideways, upside down, or crooked? (Yes!)

After we read about this incredible, transforming square, Mrs. Abele-Austin introduced us to the "Perfect Triangle." We were able to create our own illustrations by using triangles! We had hole punches, scissors, fancy pattern scissors, and glue sticks.

These clever mathematicians created teeter totters, fish, bridges, sharks, villages, and trees!

Some mathematicians made flowers, boats, airplanes, tree houses and rockets!